Let’s Go Flying: Death Valley!

Let’s Go Flying (and Camping) to Furnace Creek Airport in the heart of Death Valley National Park!

I have a group campsite booked (Group Site 2) that can hold up to 40 people, so we should have plenty of space, but I will have a roster sheet (see link below) to get a proper headcount. The campsite is adjacent to the airport, but you will have to walk about a half mile from the plane to the campsite.

Food Situation:
Despite being in one of the most remote places on Earth, the surrounding areas are actually well acquainted. With a nearby resort there is a general store that will have some staples and snack food as well as full service bars and restaurants. Of course you are also welcome to bring your own food to enjoy at the campsite!

Things to do:
Death Valley is huge. You can’t possibly see it all in one weekend. But if you want to see as much as you can, you’re going to want to get some wheels. Farabee’s Jeeps (https://farabeejeeps.com/) is a short walk from the campsite and they will rent 4×4 off-road ready jeeps to take you anywhere in the park you want to go. They’re not cheap and reservations are definitely recommended, but it is by far the best way to explore Death Valley. They can fit 4 comfortably or 5 if you’re willing to squeeze in. They will take a $100 reservation deposit, but with at least 24 hours notice they will usually refund that, especially if you explain you are pilots, they are very accommodating.
Alternatively there are a couple of hiking trails that are accessible just across the highway or just enjoy the scenery around the campsite as you have lunch or dinner at the Last Kind Words Saloon.

Roster Sheet: 

Please sign up using this Google Sheet so that I can know how many to expect and it is also a useful tool to advertise extra space in your plane for other interested pilots.

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