Pre-Flight Reservation E-Mails

The pre-flight briefing email is sent two hours prior to departure. The email contains several important pieces of information that can augment your flight planning and assist you with making decisions related to airworthiness and more. Below you will find a sample briefing along with explanations for most of the items included. If you have any questions about the briefing, please contact

Hi [First Name],

Your upcoming reservation in XXXXX begins in two hours. Below is a courtesy brief from club safety. Please ensure you are reviewing all information to ensure your aircraft is airworthy.

Aircraft Status:

  • FULLY OPERATIONAL <– This will indicate either Fully Operational (GREEN) or Needs Review (RED). This is based ONLY on the information we have at the time.
  • IFR GPS Expiration: <— If the owner or shop updates the GPS Database in Schedule Master, this date will appear here.
  • Last Tach Time Recorded: 3397.20 on 4/24/24 <— This is the last time recorded in the Schedule Master prior to generation of the briefing. It may not be up-to-date if the aircraft flies regularly.

Special Instructions <— The special instruction section includes information the owners would like to disseminate to all members. This can generally would include operational-type of notices (i.e. Electronic Mags, different keys, etc..) but can include anything the owner wants highlighted for their aircraft.
If there are special instructions for this aircraft they will appear here. Please ensure you are following the instructions outlined by Club Operations, Safety, or the Owner to avoid costly maintenance fees.

Reservation Details <— This section will include basic details for the reservation, including the tail number (yes we have had people taking the wrong airplanes) as well as start and end times. Please ensure you adhere to your start and end times as our aircraft fly nearly non-stop and there may be others waiting.

  • Tail Number: XXXXX (Click for Web Page)
  • Reservation Start: 04/26/2024 from 11:30
  • Reservation Stop: 04/26/2024 at 17:30

Important Contacts <— This section includes important phone numbers, listed in priority order. The Operations number is for use in case you have an issue away from the aircraft or need general operational guidance. The chat feature is also available during normal business hours.

  • Operations Emergency: (888) 524-3950 / Ops Chat
  • Owner Name: James Kapenas
    • E-Mail:
    • Phone: +1 (619) 456-7890
  • Next Renter Name: John Doe
    • E-Mail:
    • Phone: +1 (234) 212-1234

Airworthiness Data (Click for FAA DRS): <— The airworthiness data section is one of the most important parts of the briefing. The FAA Dynamic Regulatory System (DRS) link is included here in case you need to lookup AD’s, SAIB’s, etc.. AROW documents are listed, along with links to those documents. If the owner has not supplied these documents, they will appear as a blank document. You can also click the letter in the acronym for access to the FAR that is tied to that document or inspection. Pay close attention to the time remaining, especially the recurring AD’s. As with all information presented, this is based on when the report was generated (2 hours prior) and the data entered into Schedule Master. If you notice missing data, you can reach out to the owner or

The airworthiness data below is based on all available information when the report is generated. Maintenance done after the briefing has been generated or not yet entered into Schedule Master by the shop or owner will not appear here. If you see something in Orange or Red, or a missing entry, contact the owner or shop for additional information.

AROW Documents

AVIATES Inspections

  • A | Annual Inspection | Due: 03/31/2025
    • Remaining: 339 days
  • V | Found in the Ops Binder – Section 4
  • I |
    • Note: 100-Hour Inspection are not required in club aircraft, reference Pipitone LOI.
  • A | See below table of AD’s
  • T | Transponder | Due: 11/30/2025
    • Remaining: 583 days
  • E | ELT Inspection | Due: 03/31/2025
    • Remaining: 339 days
    ELT Battery Replacement | Due: 11/30/2024
    • Remaining: 218 days
  • S | Altimeter/Static Inspection | Due: 11/30/2025
    • Remaining: 583 days

AD List (Note: If there are no AD’s listed below, you may consider double-checking with the owner to ensure the list is up-to-date.)

Current Weather <— This information is presented for general situational awareness and to help you determine whether to cancel or proceed with your flight. It is the information for the airport where the aircraft is based only. We currently do not require valid cross country airport codes and as such, are unable to provide those weather details at this time.

METAR KMYF 261618Z 19005KT 10SM FEW019 OVC028 15/10 A2998 RMK AO2 T01500100

TAF KNKX 2615/2715 

22010KT 6000 BR SCT010 BKN016 OVC025 540203 520509 521401 522209 523108 QNH2993INS
BECMG 2620/2622 

26011KT 9999 BKN020 OVC030 540203 520509 521401 522209 523108 QNH2988INS
BECMG 2702/2704 

BKN015 OVC025 540203 520509 521401 522209 523108 QNH2988INS
FM270830 25010KT 9999 BKN015 OVC025 540203 520509 521401 522209 523108 QNH2988INS
BECMG 2709/2711 

VRB06KT 540203 520509 521401 522209 523108 QNH2988INS T16/2721Z T11/2713Z

NWS Weather Alerts <– This information is pulled directly from the National Weather Service (NWS) when they have active weather alerts. This section will be blank when there are no weather alerts.

NWS Station:
NWS Title:

NWS Description:
NWS Instructions:

Safety-Related Reference Documents <— Included in the briefing are these important club-related safety documents. The Safety Reminders documents lists all of the key areas that we receive safety reports in. If you follow the guidance in these documents, your chances of receiving some kind of safety concern report is virtually zero.

The preceding is a service of Plus One Flyers Safety. Please review all available details to ensure the accuracy of the information. Plus One Flyers does not accept any responsibility for ensuring the airworthiness of an aircraft. Airworthiness is the sole responsibility of the Pilot In Command. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to email You can OPT-OUT of these briefings by logging into your Member Dashboard and turning off the alerts at the bottom right side of the page.

*** One last note. You can opt-out of these notifications (both text and email) from your member dashboard at the bottom right. While we HIGHLY discourage you from doing this, if you do, you will be responsible for determining the airworthiness of the aircraft by alternate means (Schedule Master). If you depart with an aircraft that is not airworthy for any reason, you will be putting yourself in a position for increase scrutiny from both the FAA and the club. ***

We hope that the information presented will be helpful to your flight planning and general club-related flights. Feel free to submit feedback here or via email.

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