Let’s Go Flying: Kern Valley (L05)!

Let’s Go Flying, Camping, and perhaps Rafting in Kern Valley!

5/31/2024 – 6/2/2024

This trip is an annual favorite and has a lot to offer. Book a rafting trip, bring some fishing poles, rent some mountain bikes, go for a hike, or just enjoy some small town living in town. If you’re unfamiliar with how this works, it’s pretty simple… book a plane and show up! But please, RSVP too (see below).

Camping, Lodging, Transportation, and Food

There is an onsite campground and even warm showers. There is a fee of approximately $15/night per plane (someone will typically come around and collect). There are other options that have 4 walls and plumbing in town, if camping isn’t your thing. Transportation is severely limited. We typically have access to one crew car/van, although it always looks like it won’t make it to next year, so even that is never guaranteed. If you’re booking a trip like rafting with the group, we will arrange for them to pick us up at the airport. Otherwise there are sometimes bikes on their last legs available for use at the airport, and its usually not too hard to get a ride into town from a local. The 2 mile walk to town isn’t so bad either if you have no other options. There is a restaurant on the field that is open for breakfast and lunch everyday and maybe dinner on occasion. It is small and service is slow, but it does the job if you’re not in a hurry! There are also several establishments for eating in town. Bringing your own camping food is always an option as well!


If you are interested in rafting I am recommending that you book the Lower Kern Half Day Class 2-3 at 9:00am with me on Saturday 6/1. You can book online with Sierra South or you can call them and save 6% on booking fees.
If you already have prior rafting experience and perhaps you are looking for something a bit more on the adventurous side this time, then I would recommend the Lower Kern Half Day Class 4 at 9:30am. Fair warning: I have been tossed into the river on that one!
If you are planning on arriving on Saturday (or just aren’t a morning person), there are afternoon departures available at 2pm that you can book as well.
There’s no group discount booking separately, but you can let them know you’re with myself or “Plus One Flyers” when you book just to help me with a headcount and ensure they keep us together.
If rafting isn’t your thing, they offer other activities as well, check out the Sierra South website for more information.


If you’ve never been to this airport before, it would be a great idea to talk to someone who has or even better to go with someone that has, as it is located in a valley and can be a bit tricky with the surrounding terrain, especially if the winds pick up (which they often do in a valley!). Bakersfield is a good alternate if weather is beyond your comfort zone, as you can normally rent a car from there and drive the rest of the way in, so please don’t force it. The airport has a fuel truck on the field, but if you know you are going to need fuel, it’s probably a good idea to call the airport manager beforehand to ensure that they have plenty in the tank, and I would fill up the day that you land rather than waiting until you need to depart. Please note that the airport is not lit.

RSVP / Saturday Dinner

Please add yourself and your crew to the Google Sheets roster here, just so I can know who to expect and who to reach out to about more details, etc.

There will be a group dinner on Saturday night in town at Ewings on the Kern be sure to RSVP on the spreadsheet for that dinner if you want to be guaranteed a spot!

Every plane can set their own departure times and days based on personal preference and weather. You can stay for 2 nights, 1 night, or even make it a long day trip.

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1 thought on “Let’s Go Flying: Kern Valley (L05)!”

  1. For those that haven’t been to this fly out, or a Plus One fly out, this is one of my favorites to attend. A great flight with opportunities to grow your flying envelope and ADM with an excellent camp ground and good activities.

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