N75733 – Cessna Skyhawk (172N)

The next best thing (and likely better) than a G1000. This TAA 172 is the perfect trainer for you to use to build your cross country time, achieve your instrument rating, or just take some friends to your favorite destination and watch everyone gawk at this amazing bird.

General Information

Hourly Rate (Wet):


180 hp
Fuel Capacity:
40 gal
Useful Load:

1048 lbs

Tiedown Spot:
Gibbs Covered 10
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Aircraft Description

Chicken Hawk is the first in the Red Door Aviation Fleet. We wanted to bring the first truly glass cockpit trainer C172 to Plus One Flyers. The plane is STC as a C172N. It has a 180Hp engine converted by “AirPlains”. This was a low time N model that we completely upgraded.  The purpose of this plane, and all other Red Door planes, is to be the best trainer plane or cross country flyer able to be flown. The low time student pilot, time builder, or the seasoned professional; this plane was created for everyone.  The flight deck was designed to be professional and intuitive. It has every technological amenity possible. See the specs list below.

The Avionics suit is nice, but the most important thing above all is maintenance. N75733, like all other Red Door Aviation planes, is maintained to the highest standard. Gibbs Aircraft Service Center has done an incredible job with the install and with all of the other upgrades that we made. When its time for a checkride this is your plane. The physical log books are available on request at the Aircraft Service Center.  I will also post pictures of the new logbook entries pertinent to the required inspections (AVIATES) as they are completed. I have personally flown this plane across the country and back twice. Maintenance is of the upmost importance to us.

When you rent this plane it comes with all VFR, IFR, and Approach plates.  This is the perfect instrument trainer. It has ADS-B In/Out and all that comes with. The G3X system is extremely intuitive. If you are comfortable with G5 and a GTN650 you will feel right at home with this new glass G3X panel. If you have any questions about anything please feel free to call or email at any time. My contact information is at the top of the page.

This Plane owner requests approval for any trip longer than two days.  We Obviously want to try and accommodate everyone. However, this plane was really created to help support the student pilots on the field. If you want to book this plane for more than one night away please call or email me your request

Special Note: Aircraft is Equipped with ESP (electronic stability protection) this protects the aircraft from exceeding the published envelope. Essentially if you wanted to stall the plane and ESP is armed the plane wont stall. So if you are going to practice maneuvers such as stalls or steep turns you need to deactivate ESP. You can do this by touching the autopilot control bar above the attitude indicator on the G3X ten inch screen. Tap the bar and the G3X autopilot control panel will come up. You will see that ESP is active with a green indicator. Tap the ESP button to deactivate. This is very simple to do, but if you are unfamiliar  it can sound confusing. Trust me, its easy. Once ESP is disabled it will remain disabled until either you reactivate it or the plane is shut down and turned back on.

Specs list:

  • Garmin G3X touch PFD/MFD
  • Garmin GTN 750TXI with remote mounted GTR 20/Nav1/Com1
  • GFC 500 Autopilot
  • Garmin GNC 255 Nav2/Com2
  • Garmin GTX345 Remote mounted ADS-B In/Out
  • Garmin G5 standby flight display.
  • BlueTooth connect with GTN 750
  • Dual USB Charging port.

Owner-Supplied Documents

Checkout Requirements

Student or Higher Pilot Certificate
Satisfactory Checkout from an Authorized Club Instructor

Checkout Plans
Student Solo
Foreign Pilot
Authorized Instructor

Avionics Documents

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Authorized Instructors

**NOTE:  Basic training aircraft are available to all authorized Club Instructors and no list will appear here.

Operations Information

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