Congratulations to Zach on completing his private pilot checkride and successfully earning his certificate! Zach has a passion for aviation and enjoys all things that fly whether it’s his RC Piper Cherokee, club 172, or someday his dream of a hangar and a private airstrip with a 185 and a Baron. Nice job Zach, keep the flying dream alive!

Slow Down, Speed Up
I’m always amazed at how much I don’t know. I fly nearly every day, either professionally at 37,000′ or in a light airplane down at 3,700′.
4 thoughts on “Congratulations to Zach! San Diego’s newest pilot!”
Congrats Zach! You are now the envy of many of your LMMRRC buddies 😉
Haha, thanks, Josh! I didn’t know you were a Plus One member!
Yep new member as of December, just finished up a Flight review a couple of weeks ago! Recovering from a Surgery, but hop to get back up in the air in a few weeks. Hope you are enjoying your new privileges 😁
Thank you so much, Andrew! I could’ve never done it without you! Your passion and attention to detail have made me such a great pilot. Thanks for sticking with me even when times got difficult. I’m excited to continue our journey with instrument!