Category: Montgomery Fleet

Montgomery Fleet

N9242H – Cessna Skyhawk (172M)

N9242H is a fully refurbished 172 with modern touch screen glass avionics and a digital autopilot.
It has modern wheel pants and is both fast and light.
With the all glass panel IFR feels like cheating.
It qualifies as a TAA so it can be used for getting your commercial.
Logs are clean and well organized for easy checkrides.

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Montgomery Fleet

N1560V – Cessna Skyhawk (172M/180)

Well-equipped and very well maintained Cessna 172 for
cross-country and local flying. The PennYann 180Hp Superhawk
conversion, PowerFlow exhaust and VGs are a great combination
for short fields, high DA takeoffs and high-altitude cruising. Audio
panel with Bluetooth connectivity. The IFR certified GNS 430
WAAS GPS/NAV/Comm and dual G5s make for an excellent
instrument ship and the Garmin GTX 345 ES transponder (with
Bluetooth connectivity) provides reliable ADSB-B “In and Out
capability”. The Electronics International CGR30P and CGR30C
provide digital engine information and digital gauges.
Painted by well known John Stahr from Stahr Design

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Montgomery Fleet

N6190D – Cessna Skyhawk (172N)

Beautiful 172 with upgraded everything. This bird will not only get you to your destination, it will do so with the latest avionics to help with that NexGen RNAV approach. Jump in and takeoff with 6190D.

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