Post-Flight Debrief

As part of the package of notifications a member receives during their rental, the post-flight debrief is perhaps one of the most overlooked yet also one of the most important. Sent 15 minutes prior to the end of the reservation, the email contains contact information and reminders to help you properly close out your flight and leave the aircraft in an appropriate condition for the next renter. The notification looks like the below, described in detail here:

Hi [First Name],

Your reservation in 2989U ends in 15 minutes. Below are some common debrief items from club operations. Please pay special attention to the discrepancy section. Make sure to close out WITH your fuel totals. Per the club bylaws, you are required to close out and pay for your flight immediately after your flight. A collection fee may be assessed if the flight is not closed out within 24 hours. When closing out your flight, if you have a fuel receipt, you will receive instructions to upload your receipt once you close out. <— Note that if operations staff have to close out your flight for you, you will be charged a $25.00 collection fee and may lose access to any pending schedules.

Operations Emergency: (888) 524-3950 / Ops Chat <— If you had an issue with the plane, got stuck somewhere, or are just lonely and want to chat, you can reach out to operations staff here.

Post Flight Debrief:
<— The following items are the most frequently missed with post flights. Damage is an especially troubling issue. Make sure you are at least checking the prop, leading edges, and cockpit for trash before leaving the airplane. Damage to airplanes costs all members in the form of IDP claims and in most cases can easily be avoided.

  • Did you fill out the Ops Log?
  • Did you remove all of your belongings (aka trash)?
  • Did you have any discrepancies?
  • Did you post flight the aircraft for damage?
  • Would you like to leave a review?

Discrepancies: <— If you need to write up a squawk, you can start here. Contact the owner and let them know what the problem is. Then write it up in the system as appropriate. The next renter contact information is also here so that if you have a squawk that will ground the airplane, you can give them a courtesy phone call, or text message if you are under 45 years old.

If you had any discrepancies with the aircraft, you will need to contact the owner first. The owner information is listed below. If you are not able to contact the owner, please attempt to contact the shop and then write a detailed squawk in Schedule Master if appropriate.

  • Owner Name: Jimbo Ownersky
    • E-Mail:
    • Phone: +1 (619) 222-9999

As a courtesy, you may want to contact the next renter (information below) if there is an issue that will preclude them from flying the aircraft.

  • Next Renter Name: Chase Plane
    • E-Mail:
    • Phone: +1 (469) 444-5555

Aircraft Reviews: <— Owners would like to know whether you liked their plane or not and what they can do to improve it. Drop a review here, it helps other members make decisions on which aircraft to rent.

Owners appreciate feedback and help them determine what to spend money on when upgrading the aircraft. You can click on the link below which will take you to the aircraft page and allow you to leave a review. Reviews are anonymous and, unless they include a discrepancy, cannot be removed.

The preceding is a courtesy email from Plus One Flyers Operations staff. Please ensure you have performed a thorough post flight on the aircraft to avoid cleaning fees or IDP claims for damage. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact You can OPT-OUT of these emails by logging into your Member Dashboard and turning off the alerts at the bottom right side of the page.

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